Transmissora Aliança de Energia Elétrica S.A. – TAESA – is a company listed on the São Paulo Stock Exchange (“B3”), in Brazil, on September 6, 2006, at Level 2 of Corporate Governance. Its shares are traded on B3 under tickers TAEE3 (common shares – ON), TAEE4 (preferred shares – PN) and TAEE11 (1 Unit = 1 ON + 2 PN). TAESA’s controlling shareholders are Companhia Energética de Minas Gerais (“CEMIG”) and ISA Investimentos e Participações do Brasil S.A. (“ISA Brasil”). There is a shareholders’ agreement between the controlling shareholders, which hold a 63% voting interest.
The subscribed and paid-in capital stock of the Company is R$ 3,067,535,193.28, divided into 1,033,496,721 shares, of which 590,714,069 are common shares and 442,782,652 are preferred shares, and all of them are registered shares with no par value.
Please, click here* to read the Shareholders’ Agreement between CEMIG and ISA Brasil.