TAESA is located in Brazil, in urban and rural locations in different biomes and with different environmental contexts and natural resources. As a culture of action, we seek development that satisfies present needs, without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs; that is, by using natural resources in an optimized way, minimizing impacts on the implementation of new projects, maintenance of assets and installations, and operation of concessions.

The company’s operations prioritize responsible environmental management, minimizing impacts and promoting mitigation and compensation actions, highlighting important measures in relation to our climate (Greenhouse Gas Inventory – GHG Protocol), biodiversity and eco-efficiency.

Environmental management

  Integrated Management System Policy (“SGIT”)

TAESA has an Integrated Management System Policy (SGIT), designed to contribute to the safety and health of its employees and subcontractors, as well as improve the quality of life of the population while respecting the environment and sustainable development.

Its main commitments include:

  • Protecting health and safety through the identification, periodic assessment, and prevention of hazards and risks.
  • Preserving the environment through the identification and periodic assessment of environmental aspects and impacts.
  • Providing a safe and healthy work environment, respecting people and diversity.
  • Respecting the Golden Rules, which summarize the basis of safe behavior for TAESA employees.
  • Periodically reviewing, updating and adapting its processes, with economically viable technological solutions, seeking continuous improvement.
  • Developing effective education, communication and awareness processes with communities and interested parties, aiming to strengthen our relationship.
  • Complying with the obligations arising from concessions, with security and continuity, seeking greater reliability through the application of good practices in managing its assets.
  • Promoting the actions of leadership committed to operational excellence and raising awareness among interested parties about their responsibilities with SMS&S.
  • Respecting and ensuring compliance with current legislation, in addition to other actions carried out by the company in relation to the environment, safety and health.

The SGIT Policy is considered the central document of the Management System, in accordance with the following standards: ISO 9001 (Quality Management), ISO 14001 (Environmental Management), ISO 45001 (Occupational Health and Safety Management), and ISO 55001 (Asset Management); and seeking certification, from which we derive all management and operational actions related to all socio-environmental aspects of the business. It applies to the entire company and covers employees, contractors and partners subject to the company’s guidelines, improving the conduction of tasks.

Check out our Policies.

  Environmental Licensing

Environmental licensing is an instrument established by the Brazilian National Environmental Policy (Law 6938/1981) aiming to guarantee sustainable development. It consists of procedures to implement environmental control actions, minimizing the impacts of activities and new project implementation on natural resources.

TAESA’s projects, which are distributed across Brazil, interact with different socio-environmental environments. During the planning phase, detailed studies are carried out to understand the potential impacts. The entire process follows Brazilian legislation, with environmental licensing conducted by federal, state, and/or municipal authorities, depending on the scope of the project.

Generally, licensing follows three steps:

Obtaining the Preliminary License (LP) – which aims to assess the project’s environmental viability.

Obtaining the Installation License (LI) – which allows works to begin.

Obtaining the Operating License (LO) – which is granted after the project has been installed and verifies its compliance with and implementation of the required environmental programs, allowing the project to start operating.

  Waste Management

TAESA performs waste management and waste minimization to ensure appropriate disposal, in accordance with environmental regulations. This includes segregation, storage, collection, transportation, treatment, and responsible final disposal of waste generated during implementation, operation, and maintenance.

Before disposal, we evaluate possibilities for reuse, recovery, or recycling. Our priority is for non-hazardous waste to be sent for recycling to local cooperatives, while hazardous waste is to be treated by specialized services in compliance with environmental regulations.

For the transportation of waste outside of our sites, TAESA selects authorized companies and ensures appropriate recordkeeping of the destination at every step. Inadequate waste management can lead to serious legal and environmental consequences, which is why the company is committed to responsible practices at all stages of the process.

The process follows Waste Management and Control regulations, carrying out training and awareness campaigns for employees about the importance of adequate solid waste management.


The use of energy and water at TAESA sites is, in general, limited to consumption by employees in offices, warehouses, and substations, in addition to cleaning, maintenance, and construction work for reinforcing and improving substations. Management aims to avoid waste and promote the conscious use of resources.

Initiatives to reduce consumption include capturing rainwater, reusing water from air conditioners, and installing water-saving devices in taps and toilets. Furthermore, we also implement energy eco-efficiency measures such as replacing traditional light bulbs with LEDs, awareness campaigns, and solar energy pilot projects. The company also encourages and identifies initiatives developed locally at each site that can be expanded to other sites.

Socio-environmental Campaigns

For TAESA, facilitating the integration of communities into the changes caused by transmission lines is linked to one of our values, “genuinely caring for people.” This is accomplished through the Social Communication (PCS) and Environmental Education (PEA) programs, which are not only considered a Value for the company, but are also related to the material theme of Community Relations.

TAESA not only holds campaigns during implementation, but also maintains them in all operational areas to ensure that the population has access to the information needed to understand the risks and precautions necessary to live safely with the project. In addition, actions are taken to protect and improve the environment.

The educational, informational, and entertaining materials distributed during our socio-environmental campaigns are carefully designed to meet the linguistic culture and needs of the target audience, and are promoted in person, by radio, and digitally.

Conservation and Biodiversity

TAESA recognizes Conservation and Biodiversity as essential pillars of its environmental commitment. In this way, we work to preserve biodiversity in the planning and execution stages of installation, operation, and maintenance activities of our transmission assets.

The company implements specific programs for each stage of the projects, aiming to avoid or minimize possible environmental impacts. Our detailed analysis of each project allows us to identify and propose actions to prevent, mitigate, and compensate for associated impacts.

Although projects can generate impacts such as changes to the landscape and fragmentation of habitats, they also bring significant benefits, such as economic development, power supply, and the integration of renewable sources.

TAESA acts in accordance with environmental standards and proposes actions compatible with the social, economic, and environmental aspects of each affected location. We carry out programs such as Monitoring Erosive Processes, Recovering Degraded Areas, and Social Communication to ensure operational safety and appropriate environmental conditions.

The company bases its operations on the principles of precaution, ethics, and environmental responsibility, demonstrating its commitment and care for communities, civil society, shareholders, and regulatory agencies.

Check out our Policies.

  Suppression, Selective Vegetation Cutting and Pruning

A major part of these interferences (cutting – plant removal), occurs within the Right of Way, and for this reason, we base our procedures on reducing the impact on vegetation to the minimum necessary. Selective cutting consists of removing only larger species, the crown of which can interfere with the safety distance – that must always be ensured between the canopy of vegetation and the height of the conducting cable. In addition, whenever possible, replacement of total removal of a tree by pruning is considered. Depending on the height of the towers, the vegetation present in a right of way can be completely preserved.

Another procedure to minimize the suppression of vegetation during the construction of transmission lines, and that TAESA has been adopting in its recent projects under deployment, is the use of drones to launch the cables. With this methodology, it is possible to avoid or mitigate interference in vegetation, ensuring environmental preservation.

Use and Occupation of Easement Tracks

The management of the Use and Occupation of Easement Tracks is a strategy focused on promoting a safer and more appropriate use of this area. The general guideline is to develop activities that prevent fires and invasion by people or animals that could pose risks to the safety of the transmission system, local communities, and the environment.

For example, building improvements, planting species that reach significant heights, and growing certain crops, such as sugar cane and eucalyptus, are not considered safe uses.

Maintenance of Easement Tracks and Access Roads

This activity aims to carry out preventive checks and identify possible environmental problems along the access roads, in the vicinity of the towers, and within the easement tracks. Operation and Maintenance teams carry out annual inspections to inspect the entire length of the TLs. Access roads to the towers must be in good condition to allow the safe movement of people, equipment, and maintenance vehicles, especially in emergency situations.

Selective Cutting and Pruning of Vegetation

Generally, interventions on vegetation occur in the easement tracks. Therefore, our goal is to minimize the impact on vegetation as much as possible. Selective cutting consists of removing only larger trees, whose crowns may interfere with the safe distance between the vegetation canopy and the height of the conductor cable.

Whenever possible, we try to prune trees instead of completely removing them. Depending on the height of the towers, vegetation in the easement track may be maintained. Furthermore, TAESA has been, whenever possible, adopting the use of drones to lay cables when implementing some of its projects, which helps prevent or mitigate interference with vegetation and ensures protection of the environment.

  Fauna and Flora

TAESA implements environmentally sustainable actions focused on maintaining and preserving natural vegetation remnants and protecting fauna, as a result of our interventions and activities while implementing and operating projects.

In TLs, our impact mainly occurs during the construction stage, which is concentrated in a short period of time. Therefore, TAESA carefully monitors the installation phase of these projects and implements actions to mitigate their effects on fauna and flora as far as possible. We develop programs to:

  • Scare away fauna species from the area to be suppressed, rescue those that are unable to move outside the suppression zone, and release them in suitable regions, close to their place of origin.
  • Monitor fauna and survey the composition, richness, and conservation status of target groups in areas of direct and indirect influence of our projects.
  • Save germplasm so that we can preserve samples of the genetic variability of populations of affected priority and native species for future use in preserving local biodiversity and conducting scientific research.

After the cables are suspended, in some cases, there is an increased risk of collisions caused by birds that have not yet adapted to the new obstacles. To mitigate these effects, beacons are installed on the ground cables, in the spaces between the towers, to assist the birds with visual guidance. After some time, the birds adapt and no longer collide.

Forest Restoration and Recovery

Brazilian law provides for compensatory forest replacement when there is suppression of native vegetation cover and species threatened with extinction or protected by law. Forest replacement is an important action to compensate for direct and indirect impacts on fauna and flora.

Reforestation and enrichment planting techniques are used. The total planting includes the complete covering of areas without vegetation. On the other hand, the enrichment planting consists of introducing species, mainly in the final stages of ecological succession, in areas that have native vegetation, but with low species diversity.

Degraded Area Recovery Program

TAESA implements the Degraded Area Recovery Program (PRAD) to restore areas impacted by the construction activities of its projects. This project includes defining actions and techniques to restore these areas and implementing corrective measures to reintegrate them into the original landscape.

During the operation phase of transmission lines, actions related to PRADs are based on correcting environmental nonconformities identified during our yearly Access Road and Easement Track Maintenance inspections.

Activities to recover degraded areas include implementing surface drainage, energy dissipators, and revegetation with species native to the region, among other engineering and biological measures adapted to each local situation.

Forest Replacement and Recovery

Brazilian legislation requires compensatory forest replacement whenever there is suppression of native vegetation cover or species threatened with extinction or protected by law. This action is essential to offset direct and indirect impacts on fauna and flora, promoting gradual reconstruction of the forest and gradually restoring its biodiversity, ecological function, and sustainability.

In forest replacement, we use reforestation techniques including total planting and enrichment planting. Total planting involves completely covering areas that have no native vegetation. On the other hand, enrichment planting introduces species, especially those in the final stages of ecological succession, into areas that have native vegetation but low species diversity.

Climate changes

TAESA is aware of the relevance of this topic and its effects, which have been growing more intense in recent decades, both for society and for business, such as the increase in extreme weather events including storms, windstorms, and intense droughts. It therefore recognizes that integrating Climate Change concerns in preparation for a low-carbon economy is critical to ensuring its long-term sustainability. To this end, it aims to align and articulate its business model strategy based on assessing climate risks and opportunities, informing society and its investors of the efforts and lines of action the company adopts, committing to identify emissions (through the Greenhouse Gas Inventory) and risks, and establishing action plans (mitigation and adaptation) aimed at mitigating the effects of climate change.

  Greenhouse gas emissions

In this perspective of climate impacts, which is one of the most relevant and highly discussed topics in the world, we maintain and improve the development of our Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions inventory, based on the Greenhouse Gas Protocol (GHG Protocol) and our implementation of the Emissions Collection, Management, and Reporting System in fully controlled concessions.

  Emissions Inventory

In 2023, TAESA prepared the GHG inventory for operational control, meeting the specifications of the Brazilian Greenhouse Gas Protocol Program (GHG Protocol) and its Public Emissions Registry format. We considered the principles of relevance, completeness, consistency, transparency, and accuracy.

In absolute terms, in 2023 TAESA significantly reduced its emission volume compared to previous years.

In the specific context of the Brazilian electricity sector, the greatest emissions are not under TAESA’s purview (scope 2, loss of transmission – which is managed by the Brazilian National System Operator [ONS]), and it is therefore a challenge to establish goals aligned with SBTi, Race to Zero, Business Ambition for 1.5 °C, and NET ZERO Ambition for the Global Compact initiatives. Therefore, TAESA follows all these agendas and establishes actions such as campaigns and training related to the topic, as well as forest fire fighting and reduction training, forest replacement, nursery cultivation, and seedling distribution.

In this way, we are building an action plan and goals to combat Climate Change in line with the 2030 agenda.

Find out more:

André Moreira

Diretor Presidente

O Sr. O Sr. Andre Augusto Telles Moreira é graduado em Engenharia Elétrica pela Escola Federal de Engenharia de Itajubá – EFEI MG e pós-graduado em Qualidade pela Universidade Estadual de Campinas (IMECC). Possui MBA pela Universidade AmBev (Brahma) e MBA em Gestão Empresas Públicas e Privadas, pela Fundação Armando Alvares Penteado – FAAP. Ao longo de sua trajetória profissional no setor elétrico, desenvolvida nas empresas do grupo Neoenergia, atuou como Diretor Executivo de Operações e Diretor Executivo Comercial e de Comercialização na Elektro Eletricidade e Serviços S.A., entre os anos de 2006 a 2017, como Diretor Presidente na Coelba – Companhia de Eletricidade do Estado da Bahia, em 2017 e, em sua última experiência, como Diretor Executivo de Distribuição na Neoenergia, de 2018 a 2020. Atuou, ainda, como membro do Conselho das distribuidoras Coelba, Celpe, Elektro e Cosern; além de ter ocupado os cargos de membro do Conselho de Administração da Iberdrola Distribuición Eléctrica (Espanha), Avangrid Networks (EUA), Afluente T S.A. e I- de Redes Eléctricas Inteligentes, S.A.

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Rinaldo Pecchio

Diretor Financeiro e de TI

O Sr. Rinaldo Pecchio Jr. é graduado em Economia pela Unicamp e em Ciências Contábeis pela Puccamp e possui MBA em Finanças pela IBMEC. Apresenta mais de 30 anos de carreira, e atua como CFO desde 2004. Iniciou sua trajetória como auditor da Arthur Andersen e desenvolveu sua carreira majoritariamente no setor elétrico, com passagens pelos setores de indústria e agronegócio. Construiu um repertório em FP&A no início de sua carreira e possui sólida experiência em project finance e emissão de dívidas, sendo pioneiro na emissão de debêntures verde do setor de transmissão. Como CFO, passou por empresas como Centro de Tecnologia Canavieira S.A.- CTC, ISA Cteep S.A., Grupo AES Brasil, Tetra Pak Ltda e Elektro.

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Marco Faria

Diretor Técnico

Graduado em Engenharia Elétrica pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Minas Gerais – PUC/MG em 1987. Possui MBA em Gestão de Projetos e Pessoas pela FGV. Ao longo de sua trajetória profissional, iniciada na CEMIG em 1978 (geração, transmissão e distribuição de energia elétrica), desempenhou diversas funções. Desde 1988, ocupou cargos gerenciais sendo os últimos como (i) Gerente de Operação e Manutenção da Transmissão, de 1997 a 2008; e (ii) Gestor do Projeto de Integração da Companhia, em 2009. Neste mesmo ano, assumiu a diretoria técnica da TAESA. Em 2017 foi eleito para acumular interinamente os cargos de Diretor Presidente e de Diretor de Desenvolvimento de Negócios da empresa. Atualmente, é diretor em outras empresas participadas do grupo e conselheiro do Operador Nacional do Sistema Elétrico e da Associação Brasileira das Empresas de Transmissão de Energia Elétrica

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Fábio Fernandes

Diretor de Negócios e Gestçao de Participações

Graduado em Ciências Econômicas pela Faculdade Cândido Mendes, possui Mestrado em Economia Empresarial pela mesma instituição e MBA em Finanças Corporativas pela IBMEC, e 30 anos de experiência profissional em diversos setores da área financeira, como planejamento financeiro, tesouraria, avaliação econômico-financeira, project finance, M&A e operações de mercado de capitais. Atualmente é responsável pela prospecção e avaliação de novos negócios da Companhia, já tendo atuado em diversas áreas da Companhia desde 2007.

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Luis Alves

Diretor de Implantação

Graduado em Engenharia Elétrica pela Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho, com Pós-Graduação em Planejamento de Sistemas Energéticos pela Unicamp e MBA em Gestão Empresarial pela Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV). Possui mais de 25 anos de experiência na área de energia, com foco em operação, manutenção e expansão e com atuação em grandes empresas no setor de energia elétrica.

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Mansueto Almeida

Economista Chefe do BTG Portal

Nosso convidado especial

Mansueto Almeida é bacharel em ciências econômicas pela Universidade Federal do Ceará e mestre em economia pela Universidade de São Paulo. Assumiu diversos cargos em Brasília, entre os quais, coordenador geral de política monetária do Ministério da Fazenda, em 1996, pesquisador no IPEA e assessor econômico da comissão de desenvolvimento regional e de turismo no Senado Federal. Em 2016, foi nomeado secretário de Acompanhamento Econômico e de Concorrência do Ministério da Fazenda e, em abril de 2018, passou a ser Secretário do Tesouro Nacional onde permaneceu até julho de 2020. Em 2014 e 2015, o economista atuou como consultor no setor privado. Hoje o seu cargo é Economista-chefe do BTG Pactual.

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Mansueto Almeida

Chief Economist at BTG Pactual

Especial Guest

Mansueto Almeida has a bachelor's degree in economics from the Federal University of Ceará and a master's degree in economics from the University of São Paulo. He took on several positions in Brasília, including general coordinator of monetary policy at the national Ministry of Finance, in 1996, researcher at IPEA and economic advisor to the regional development and tourism committee in the Federal Senate. In 2016, he was appointed Secretary of Economic Monitoring and Competition at the Ministry of Finance and, in April 2018, he became Secretary of the National Treasury, where he remained until July 2020. In 2014 and 2015, Mansueto worked as a consultant in the private sector. Today he holds the position of Chief Economist at BTG Pactual.

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Mansueto Almeida

Economista Jefe de BTG Portal

Invitado Especial

Mansueto Almeida tiene una licenciatura en ciencias económicas de la Universidad Federal de Ceará y una maestría en economía de la Universidad de São Paulo. Asumió varios cargos en Brasilia, incluido el de coordinador general de política monetaria del Ministerio de Hacienda, en 1996, investigador del IPEA y asesor económico de la comisión de desarrollo regional y turismo del Senado Federal. En 2016, fue designado Secretario de Seguimiento Económico y Competencia del Ministerio de Hacienda y, en abril de 2018, asumió como Secretario del Tesoro Nacional, donde permaneció hasta julio de 2020. En 2014 y 2015, el economista se desempeñó como consultor en el sector privado. Hoy ocupa el cargo de Economista Jefe de BTG Pactual.

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André Moreira

Diretor Presidente

Mr. Andre Augusto Telles Moreira has a degree in Electrical Engineering from Escola Federal de Engenharia de Itajubá (EFEI MG) and a postgraduate degree in Quality from Universidade Estadual de Campinas (IMECC). He holds an MBA from AmBev University (Brahma) and an MBA in Public and Private Business Management from Fundação Armando Alvares Penteado (FAAP). Graduated in Business Management Leadership – ESADE (Spain), Global Leadership – IMD (Switzerland), Sustainable Business Strategies Course – MIT (USA), Management Board Memberr Course – IBGC and Change Management in Complex Environments – MIT (USA). Throughout his professional career in the electric sector, developed in the Neoenergia Group’s companies, he served as Chief Operating Officer and Chief Commercial and Trading Officer of Elektro Eletricidade e Serviços S.A from 2006 to 2017; as Chief Executive Officer at Coelba – Companhia de Eletricidade do Estado da Bahia, in 2017 and, in his last experience, as Executive Director of Distribution at Neoenergia, from 2018 to 2020. He also served as a Board member of distributors Coelba, Celpe, Elektro and Cosern; in addition to being a member of the Board of Directors of Iberdrola Distribuición Eléctrica (Spain), Avangrid Networks (USA), Afluente T S.A. and I- de Redes Eléctricas Inteligentes, S.A. He currently holds the positions of Chief Executive Officer and Chief Investor Relations Officer and Chief Legal and Regulatory Officer at the Company. The administrator above declares that in the last 5 years he has not had any criminal conviction; any conviction in any CVM administrative proceedings and penalties applied; and/or any final and unappealable conviction, in the judicial or administrative sphere, that had the effect of suspension or disqualification for the practice of any professional or commercial activity.

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Rinaldo Pecchio

Diretor Financeiro e de TI

Mr. Rinaldo Pecchio Jr. holds a degree in Economics from Unicamp, in Accounting from Puccamp and an MBA in Finance from IBMEC. He has a career spanning more than 30 years, acting in a CFO capacity since 2004. He began his career as an auditor at Arthur Andersen and developed his career mainly in the electric power sector, also working in the industrial and agribusiness sectors. He built a repertoire in FP&A early in his career and has solid experience in project finance and debt issuance, pioneering the issuance of green bonds in the transmission segment. As CFO, he worked for companies such as Centro de Tecnologia Canavieira S.A.- CTC, ISA Cteep S.A., Grupo AES Brasil, Tetra Pak Ltda and Elektro.

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Marco Faria

Diretor Técnico

He has a degree in Electrical Engineering from the Pontifical Catholic University of Minas Gerais – PUC / MG in 1987. He holds an MBA in Project Management and People FGV. Throughout his professional career, initiated in CEMIG in 1978 (generation, transmission and distribution of electric energy), he performed several functions. Since 1988, he has held managerial positions, the last being (i) Transmission Operation and Maintenance Manager, from 1997 to 2008; and (ii) Manager of the Company’s Integration Project, in 2009. In the same year, he assumed the technical management of TAESA. In 2017 he was elected to temporarily accumulate the positions of Chief Executive Officer and Business Development Director of the company. He is currently director of other companies in the group and adviser to the Operador Nacional do Sistema Elétrico (ONS) and the Associação Brasileira das Empresas de Transmissão de Energia Elétrica.

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Fábio Fernandes

Diretor de Negócios e Gestçao de Participações

He holds a degree in Economic Sciences from Faculdade Cândido Mendes, a Master’s in Business Economics from the same institution and an MBA in Corporate Finance from IBMEC, accumulating 30 years of professional experience in several industries in the financial area, such as financial planning, treasury, economic and financial valuation, project finance, M&A and capital market operations. Currently he is responsible for prospecting and assessing the Company’s new businesses, having already worked in several areas of the Company since 2007.

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Luis Alves

Diretor de Implantação

He holds a degree in Electrical Engineering from Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho, with a Postgraduate Degree in Energy Systems Planning from Unicamp, and an MBA in Business Management from Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV). He has more than 25 years of professional experience in the energy sector, focused on operation, maintenance and expansion, and has held positionsin large companiesin the electrical energy sector.

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André Moreira

Diretor Presidente

El Sr. Andre Augusto Telles Moreira es licenciado en Ingeniería Eléctrica por la Escuela Federal de Ingeniería de Itajubá (EFEI-MG) y posgrado en Calidad por la Universidad Estadual de Campinas (IMECC). Tiene un MBA de la Universidad AmBev (Brahma) y un MBA en Gestión de Empresas Públicas y Privadas por la Fundación Armando Alvares Penteado (FAAP). Tiene formación en Liderazgo en Gestión de Negocios – ESADE (España), Liderazgo Global – IMD (Suiza), Curso de Estrategias de Negocios Sostenibles – MIT (EUA), Curso de Consejero de Administración – IBGC y Gestión del Cambio en Entornos Complejos – MIT (EUA). A lo largo de su trayectoria profesional en el sector eléctrico, desarrollada en las empresas del grupo Neoenergia, se desempeñó como Director Ejecutivo de Operaciones y Director Ejecutivo Comercial y de Comercialización en Elektro Eletricidade e Serviços S.A., de 2006 a 2017; como Director Presidente en Coelba – Companhia de Eletricidade do Estado da Bahia, en 2017 y, en su última experiencia, como Director Ejecutivo de Distribución en Neoenergia, de 2018 a 2020. También se desempeñó como miembro del Consejo de las distribuidoras Coelba, Celpe, Elektro y Cosern; además de haber ocupado los cargos de miembro del Consejo de Administración de Iberdrola Distribución Eléctrica (España), Avangrid Networks (EUA), Afluente T S.A. e I- de Redes Eléctricas Inteligentes, S.A. Actualmente ocupa los cargos de Director Presidente y de Relación con Inversionistas y de Director Jurídico y Regulatorio en la Compañía. El administrador mencionado declara que en los últimos 5 años no ha sufrido ninguna condena penal; ninguna condena en proceso administrativo de la CVM ni las penas aplicadas; ni ninguna condena de sentencia definitiva, en la esfera judicial o administrativa, que haya tenido como efecto la suspensión o la inhabilitación para la práctica de cualquier actividad profesional o comercial.

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Rinaldo Pecchio

Diretor Financeiro e de TI

El Sr. Rinaldo Pecchio Jr. es licenciado en Economía por la Unicamp y en Ciencias Contables por la Puccamp, y cuenta con MBA en Finanzas por la IBEMEC. Tiene una carrera de más de 30 años y es CFO desde 2004. Inició su carrera como auditor en Arthur Andersen y desarrolló su carrera principalmente en el sector eléctrico, con pasajes en los sectores de industria y agronegocios. Desarrolló un repertorio en FP&A al principio de su carrera y tiene una sólida experiencia en financiamiento de proyectos y emisión de deuda, siendo pionero en la emisión de bonos verdes en el sector de transmisión. Como CFO, trabajó para empresas como Centro de Tecnología Canavieira S.A.- CTC, ISA Cteep S.A., Grupo AES Brasil, Tetra Pak Ltda y Elektro.

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Marco Faria

Diretor Técnico

Graduado en Ingeniería Eléctrica por la Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Minas Gerais – PUC/MG en 1987. Posee un MBA en Gestión de Proyectos y Personas por la FGV. A lo largo de su carrera profesional, iniciado en CEMIG en 1978 (generación, transmisión y distribución de energía eléctrica), realizó varias funciones. Desde 1988, ha ocupado cargos gerenciales, el último de los cuales fue (i) Gerente de Operación y Mantenimiento de Transmisión, desde 1997 hasta 2008; y (ii) Gerente del Proyecto de Integración de la Compañía, en 2009. En el mismo año, asumió la gestión técnica de TAESA. En 2017, fue elegido para acumular temporalmente los cargos de Director Ejecutivo y Director de Desarrollo de Negocios de la compañía. Actualmente es director de otras compañías del grupo y asesor del Operador Nacional del Sistema Eléctrico y de la Asociación Brasileña de Empresas de Transmisión de Energía Eléctrica.

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Fábio Fernandes

Diretor de Negócios e Gestçao de Participações

Es licenciado en Ciencias Económicas por la Facultad Cândido Mendes, Máster en Economía Empresarial por la misma institución y con MBA en Finanzas Corporativas por IBMEC, y 30 años de experiencia profesional en diversos sectores del área financiero, como planificación financiera, tesorería, evaluación económico-financiera, project finance, M&A y operaciones de mercado de capitales. Actualmente es responsable de la prospección y evaluación de los nuevos negocios de la Compañía, y ya ha trabajado en diversas áreas de la Compañía desde 2007.

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Luis Alves

Diretor de Implantação

Es ingeniero eléctrico por la Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho, con un Postgrado en Planificación de Sistemas Energéticos por la Unicamp y un MBA en Gestión empresarial por la Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV). Cuenta con más de 25 años de experiencia en el area de energía, con enfoque en operación, mantenimiento y expansión y con desempeño en grandes empresas del sector eléctrico.

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