Transmissora Aliança de Energia Elétrica S.A. – TAESA – is one of the largest private electric energy transmission groups in Brazil in terms of Annual Permitted Revenues (also known as RAP). The company is exclusively dedicated to the construction, operation and maintenance of transmission assets, with 14,370 km of lines in operation and 735 km of lines under construction, totaling 15,105 km of extension and 110 substations. In addition, it has assets in operation with voltages between 230 and 525kV, and is present in all 5 Regions of the country (18 States and the Federal District), as well as an System Operations Center in Rio de Janeiro. Currently, TAESA holds 43 transmission concessions: (i) 14 concessions that comprise the holding company (TSN, Novatrans, ETEO, GTESA, PATESA, Munirah, NTE, STE, ATE, ATE II, ATE III, Miracema, Saíra and Sant’Ana); (ii) 10 full investees (Brasnorte, São Gotardo, Mariana, Janaúba, São João, São Pedro, Lagoa Nova, Ananaí, Pitiguari, and Tangará ); and (iii) shareholding interest in 19 companies (ETAU, Transmineiras, AIE Group, and TBE Group).