Since continuously seeking for governance best practices, in 2022 TAESA voluntarily joined the Ethos Institute’s Business Pact for Integrity and the 100% Transparency Movement. This initiative, promoted by the UN Global Compact Brazil Network, has been the first national effort to encourage companies to go beyond legal requirements by strengthening their integrity mechanisms, aiming to becoming more resilient and examples of success on the corporate arena. The Company is currently one of the many organizations taking part in this important initiative.
100% transparency in hotlines
100% transparency in Taesa’s Compliance and Governance structure
100% transparency in interactions with Public Authorities
100% fair compensation for senior management
100% of the high-risk value chain trained in integrity
100% transparency in hotlines
100% transparency in Taesa’s Compliance and Governance structure
100% transparency in interactions with Public Authorities
100% fair compensation for senior management
100% of the high-risk value chain trained in integrity
Publication of relevant interactions with Public Authorities on the companies’ website, disclosing reporting form (except for any sensitive information) and contracts, concessions and licenses that the company has with the Government.
Publication on the company’s website of the existence of at least a variable Compensation policy for senior management connected to integrity criteria; and publication of the policy on transactions with related parties, if applicable.
Publication on the company’s website of evidence of training courses for at least high-risk suppliers/third parties.
Publication on the company’s website of the existence of at least a variable Compensation policy for senior management connected to integrity criteria; and publication of the policy on transactions with related parties, if applicable.
Publication on the company’s website of evidence of training courses for at least high-risk suppliers/third parties.
Diretor Presidente
Diretor Financeiro e de TI
Diretor Técnico
Diretor de Negócios e Gestçao de Participações
Diretor de Implantação
Economista Chefe do BTG Portal
Chief Economist at BTG Pactual
Economista Jefe de BTG Portal
Diretor Presidente
Diretor Financeiro e de TI
Diretor Técnico
Diretor de Negócios e Gestçao de Participações
Diretor de Implantação
Diretor Presidente
Diretor Financeiro e de TI
Diretor Técnico
Diretor de Negócios e Gestçao de Participações
Diretor de Implantação